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 I am a certified ACE Massage Cupping™ practitioner, and am excited to share the many benefits of the art of cupping with you!

What is ACE Massage Cupping™ ?

ACE Massage Cupping™ is a modern form of vacuum therapy.  By creating suction and vacuum pressure, ACE Massage Cupping™ is used to soften tight muscles and tone attachments, loosen adhesions and lift connective tissue, bring hydration and blood flow to body tissues, move deep inflammation to the skin surface for release, and drain excess fluids and toxins by opening lymphatic pathways.
     ACE Massage Cupping™ therapy is incredibly versatile and the basic movements can easily be customized to accomplish a wide variety of techniques, from lymphatic drainage to deep tissue release. This complements many health modalities ranging from spa treatments and medical mas
sage to chiropractic, physical and occupational therapies.
What are the therapeutic benefits of ACE Massage Cupping™?
- Lymph Drainage
- Loosen Adhesions
- Release Deep Tissue Issues
- Move Stagnation
- Relieve Inflammation
- Stimulate Blood Flow
- Sedate the Nervous System

ACE Massage Cupping™ therapy is a gentle, non-invasive technique that achieves powerful results in:
Pain Reduction
Joint Mobilization
Lymph Drainage
Scar Reduction
Pre- and Post-Operative Therapy 
Cellulite Reduction
Shorten Recovery Time & Enhance Surgical Results
Releasing Tight, Contacted Muscle Tissue
Contouring the Face & Body
Assisting with Weight Loss Programs
Athletic Performance Enhancement
Detoxification – Movement of Stagnation
Skin Toning and Firming

Conditions that respond to ACE Massage Cupping™ therapy:
Poor Circulation
Insomnia & Anxiety
Asthma & Pneumonia
TMJ Dysfunction
Parkinson’s Disease
Chronic Pain

(intense, typically intermittent pain along the course of a nerve, especially in the head or face)
Lung Inflammation & Congestion
Migraine, Tension Heachaches, & Sinusitis
High Blood Pressure / Low Blood Pressure
Sluggish Colon & IBS
Stagnant Lymph Edema
Pre- & Post-Operative Conditions
Athletic Stress & Injury
Bursitis, Tendonitis, & Plantar Fasciitis
Scars & Adhesions
Spider Veins & Varicosities
Muscular Aches








What to expect from your cupping session:

1.  Prior to your cupping session, it is beneficial to be well hydrated, get plenty of rest, avoid caffeine, alcohol, sugary foods and drinks, and eat less or no processed foods a few days prior to the session. This will assist the body in adjusting, flushing, and processing the treatment.


2.   After your cupping session, it is best to avoid exposure to extreme cold or heat (i.e. ice, hot showers, baths, saunas, hot tubs) and it is best to avoid intense exercise for 24 hours.


3.  With certain cupping methods, marks can be left on the skin. These marks do not hurt and are not bruises. These marks indicate that toxins or excess fluids in our system have been moved from the deeper tissue layers to the surface. This allows fresh oxygenated blood to nourish and heal the underlying areas. The color and pattern of the marks depends on the overall health of the underlying tissue. If there is no stagnation present, the color will be only a light pink mark which disappears in a few minutes to a couple of hours. In areas with injury or disease, the color will vary from bright red to speckled or even purple. Marks can last anywhere from three days to a week, depending on your water intake and activity level. Sites where there is old trauma or injury may require multiple cupping treatments to remove all stagnation. You will find in follow up treatments the marks will be visibly lighter and lighter as the pathogens are systemically removed from the body.

Is Cupping for Everyone?

 No.  Cupping is contraindicated in cases of severe diseases, i.e. cardiac failure, renal failure, ascites due to hepato-cirrhosis and severe edema, as well as hemorrhagic diseases such as allergic purpura, hemophilia and leukemia, and clients with dermatosis, destruction of skin, or allergic dermatitis.

Cupping should not be applied on the portion where hernia exists or has occurred in the past.

Broken bones, dislocations, hernias, slipped discs, organ failure, and those undergoing cancer therapy are contraindicated for Cupping.

Cupping should not be performed on affected areas during the acute stages of Psoriasis, Eczema or Rosacea.

Cupping should not be applied on effected areas during outbreaks of Urticaria (Hives), Herpes or Shingles.

Cupping is contraindicated for those with liver or kidney functional illness, Cardiopathy, 3D Varicosities or over recent surgical incisions.

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